Optimus Prime | KBB MP-10V

This is my first official 360 scan for this website! Is it strange then that this is not an official Transformer toy? This crazy 360 Robot scanning adventure kicks off with the Optimus Prime KBB MP-10V knock-off... 

The 360 Scans 

Robot Mode

Alt Mode

The Figure

This is the KBB MP-10V, a knock-off modelled after the genuine MP-10 Masterpiece Optimus Prime figure, but scaled down. I missed out on purchasing the original MP-10 when it was first released, as it was rather expensive then, and I was meant to not be adding too many robots to my collection any more. In later years, resale prices have understandably gone crazy.

However, I do own the original Optimus Prime Convoy Masterpiece MP-01, and though I loved it for many years (it was pride of place on our Wedding Table), the scale of the thing was huge! I could not display him next to any other toys, as he towered over everything in sight. When I first saw this KBB knock-off version, at something affordable and at a size that suited the rest of my collection - it was impossible to resist.

He also looks so cool! Both modes are fantastic, each holding up in their own respects without compromising the other. It's the perfect 'evergreen' design, not too beholden to the animation model (see the latest third version of Masterpiece Prime for that...) nor to making something just work as a toy. The small details in his head and neck, the way the leg kibble works in both modes, the way the truck headlights end up hiding on his back... He has a transforming gun! It's just so clever, yet not too complicated either, you can instantly pick it up and instinctively begin to transform it. It's an absolute joy to hold, pose or play with.

KBB MP-10V: Scaled down Optimus Prime

What I like about this Bot

Purchasing this figure was my very early Covid-lockdown treat, and he's been in the vicinity of my desk, keeping me company, for most of the year. I think it says a lot for just how much I love this design (which is really the MP-10 design after all) that I wanted to honour it here, and to kick-start this website with main Bot himself.

It really does all come down to the design, which works so well that I cannot help but immediately be inspired by the character that is Optimus Prime whenever I look at it. You can map almost any version of Optimus Prime onto this figure in your mind, but most particularly G1, Marvel and IDW incarnations of the Bot once known as Orion Pax... Your mind is not forced to 'compensate' for any awkward design or historical toy-technology limitations.

To all intents and purposes, this figure is the closest thing to how a "universal" Optimus Prime should look.

So, my KBB Prime is a figure that won't be going up for sale, and is one of the latest additions to the "keeps" part of my collection. 

STATUS: Not for sale!

Launching 360robots.net in style

The GIFs

Wrap Up

It is an understatement to say that I have a long way and many Bots to go. I've got somewhere around 270 Transformers toys in total, and when you consider that each 360 image is at least 48 photos, and that each robot has at least one alt-mode (I'm dreading Quickswitch...) and that I may also want to do black background versions... I suppose that all sounds like procrastination, and the most convoluted way to ever agree to sell a Transformers collection.

Which reminds me, even this post is not the last we are going to see of KBB MP-10V Prime. I've got some stickers from Toyhax.com that need to be applied. I thought I would do a before vs after, and so there will be a redux / toyhax labelled post where we do this one all over again! I've got a few other Toyhax stickers for some other figures, but I may just bite the bullet and go for those without a before / after - I have to save time somewhere right?

Still, the first one is finally out the door. Now all we need is a little Energon, and a lot of luck...

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Further Info & Links

For more information on the original figure which 'inspired' this KBB version, check out these amazing Transformers websites and related links;